Torsdag d. 19. februar 2015, kl. 19.00-21.00: ¿Nuevos horizontes? An Economic + Political Outlook for Cuba in 2015
V. Joseph L. Scarpaci, Ph.D., AIAS-COFUND Senior Fellow, AIAS, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University
This presentation stakes out four broad questions about contemporary Cuba: 1) What changes have occurred in Cuban domestic politics and economic management since the Cold War ended? 2) What scenarios might emerge in a post-Castro era? 3) What would be the impact of a collapse or change in political direction in Venezuela? 4) Does the U.S. trade embargo still make sense? If not, then why is it still in place, and what might make more sense? The talk draws on extensive fieldwork and secondary sources, particularly new remittance data linking the diaspora across the Florida Straits
Foredraget foregår på engelsk
Onsdag d. 25. marts 2015, kl. 19.00-21.00: The institutionalization of sustainable honey production in Argentina – A discussion of multi-stakeholder initiatives in global production networks
V. Sanja Hegelund, Cand. ling. merc, MA in International Business Communication, Spanish and American Studies, Copenhagen Business School
Over the years the world has seen a rise in fair trade and organic agro-industrial production mainly as a response to socioeconomic inequality and excessive exploitation of the world’s natural reserves. This seminar will present how fair trade and organic multi-stakeholder initiatives, such as Fairtrade International (FLO), have been institutionalized in Argentina with focus on honey production. The objective is to provide insights into what in reality can be perceived to be sustainable, and how power relations between social actors can promote or restrain regional development.
Foredraget foregår på engelsk
Tirsdag d. 14. april 2015 kl. 19.00-21.00: Araona masculinities (a gender study in the Bolivian Amazons)
V. Ivanna Arizcurinaga, Anthropologist (BA), Master in International Development and Management (M.Sc.), Lund University
This study describes the construction of masculinitie(s) among the Araona ethnic group from the Bolivian Amazons. It draws on a historical perspective from the “enemy’s point of view”, taking into consideration the bias involved in the use of written sources and the data obtained on the field.
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Onsdag d. 20. maj 2015, kl. 19.00-21.00: Water not Gold! Struggles over natural resources in Central America
V. Vladimir Pacheco Cueva, Ph.D., Associate professor at the Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University
The last two decades has seen an increase in the number of struggles over mining and petroleum development in Central America. This presentation will cover some of these struggles and interpret them in larger economic and political contexts. A special mention will be made of El Salvador’s case, where the Water not Gold campaign has influenced the government’s decision to introduce and maintain a moratorium on mining projects since 2009.
Foredraget foregår på engelsk
Sted: Café Globen, Turesensgade 2B, 1368 København K
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