Kom til foredrag om Brasilien i krise og film om oprindelige folks rettigheder

Brazil in Crisis – About a New Economic Agenda, Political Bargaining and Those Who Pay the Bill

Den 14. november kl. 19:30-21:00

No sooner had Dilma Rousseff (Workers’ Party) been reelected as Brazil’s president in 2014 when the political opposition, aided by the mass media, stimulated broad public support and started to work towards overthrowing the president in order to impose their own political agenda and economic policies.

They succeeded in doing so, in August 2016, by pushing through a so-called impeachment process, which brought Vice-President Michel Temer as their zealous marionette into office. Since then, Brazil has witnessed a breathtaking legislative activity to make it – in neoliberal eyes – fit for the future, which, instead of stabilizing the country, has so far provoked a general turmoil and further deteriorating economic and social indicators.

The presentation will explain about the backgrounds of this extremely worrying course of events, showing which interests are really in play, how they have managed to prevail against democratic structures and what the drastic consequences for the Brazilian people are.


“Retten til at blive hørt – oprindelige folks kamp for deres rettigheder” 

Den 7. december kl. 18-21

Fra kl. 18-19 inviterer NETLA sine trofaste medlemmer til reception. Kom og få et glas rødvin og netværk med andre Latinamerika-interesserede.  

Fra 2017, 28 minutter, produceret af VF Film, tilrettelagt af Niels Boel

Niels Boels film handler om oprindelige folks kamp for deres rettigheder i det mellemamerikanske land Honduras.

Instruktøren har ordet:

“Filmen tager udgangspunkt i mordet sidste år på den internationalt anerkendte menneskerettighedsforkæmper Berta Cáceres.

Hun var leder af lenca-indianernes organisation. Som modtager af den amerikanske miljøpris Goldman var hun det mest kendte offer i kampen for miljøet i Honduras. Men mange andre honduranere må lade livet i forsvaret for naturen.”

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